To install MathReader for your PC running Windows, follow these steps: 1. Download MathReader. 2. Run MATHRDR.EXE with a -d flag, in the directory where you want MathReader to be: MATHRDR -d This will create a subdirectory called MATHREAD, that contains all the files necessary to run MathReader. 3. Move the file MATHREAD.INI, located in the MATHREAD directory, to your Windows directory. 4. Move the file CTL3D.DLL, also located in the MATHREAD directory, to the SYSTEM subdirectory of your Windows directory. 5. Open the notebook READ1ST.MA, also located in the MATHREAD directory, with MathReader. This notebook provides instructions on using MathReader. 6. Optional: Configure your browser to automatically launch MathReader when you download a Mathematica notebook. 7. Now you can view a sample notebook with MathReader. This page was last modified on: Monday, 19-Dec-94 17:43:22 CST